I went to the gun range this morning with my buddy Joel. I brought my rifle, he brought his pistol. The last time I was at the range was the afternoon of the day I got fired from Hines. If you recall, I put several hundred rounds through it in a very short time. I never got around to cleaning it. I thought about it last night as I was gathering up my gun range stuff but dismissed the notion because, I said to myself " Kalishnikov designed these weapons to be durable under fire, it'll be fine tomorrow, I'll clean it then".
Did my rifle meet it's reliable reputation? No.
So we get down to the 100 meter range, and the range guy is down by the targets putting up new cardboard on the 2x4 frame when these two guys on the pistol range start firing. Range guy looks up and around and starts heading in to the business end. At about 50 meters he starts yelling at the shooters to stop. When he's safely behind the line he goes over to the shooters and chews them out.
Then he came over to us.
The "conversation" that followed, had we been really paying attention, would have been mind boggling.
Everything he said was followed by "No offense" in some way,shape or form. he was an older guy...58...I know this because he told us so in relation to the shooting while he was at the targets: " I'm 58 years old and I ain't stupid..." I forget what else he said about not being stupid.
I learned this about our "range officer" in a short 10 minutes that seemed like an hour.
1.He has a bright red t-shirt that has "range officer" emblazoned on the back that he uses to assert his authority to "them mexican's that come out here and break the rapid fire rule and then try to pretend that they don't understand". (whether that means not understanding english or the rapid fire rule is beyond me, but there was "no offense meant").
2.He thinks I have a lot of tattoos:"Damn,BOY!You gottalotta tattoos (but even when saying it, he misspelled tattoo) no offense meant, of course".
3.He thinks I am there to practice homicide, apparently, because when he saw my rifle he said:"You ain't here to practice killing someone, are you? I mean, it ain't none of my business, no offense". Joel said "when you get down to it, I think were all here practicing to kill someone" and gave me that look that I could read even though he was wearing shades.
4. He thinks all the middle eastern convienence store owners have an annual convention and plan the poisoning of food in the stores so they can "take over without firing a shot, but just in case, they have people coming out of holes with guns,like in that movie,you know".
5. He's glad there are "people like me to handle the people coming out of those holes,not like he's saying anything about me and my rifle" it is..."no offense meant"
6. He and his wife smoke bugler's, but "she don't roll" so he rolled her 45 to take on her vacation and she brought back between 15 and 25 depending on the times he repeated himself as he bummed a cig from me and then a light and described himself as useless.
He finally went back down the line and put up targets on the 100m range.
Joel and I had loaded 5 magazines of 20 each during this exchange, preparing for the joy that is shooting a gun.
We would be disappointed.When we get the all clear I chamber a round, sight in and fire.
My rifle does not eject the spent shell, and the trigger hangs in the back position...not good. Sensing danger (I'm good about that) I keep the business end facing down range and manually eject the shell. when the bolt closes the gun fires on it's own.
I remove the mag, reinsert it and deliver another round, fire. Same thing.My gas tube is so fucking dirty it won't push out the shell. I remove the mag and eject the shell and pack up my gear.I should have cleaned my rifle.
We move to the short range and shoot Joel's pistol for a bit and leave.
It was kinda like a dry hump, but the "range officer" more than compensated now that I think about it.
Knicked this from Special K
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definitely your own person. You don't let
anyone tell you who you should be. You never
sell out your values and beliefs, no matter
what. However, you can sometimes have trouble
fitting in, but only because you are
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