Well,maybe half a day, because by 11a or so it's just too hot to do anything physical.
I don't like yardwork...in fact I hate it, and besides, I'm tired of the white trash theme (as I'm sure our neighbors are).
Witness the travesty that is our front yard:

I know...it's shameful. All the rain we've gotten has turned an acceptable level of WT to over the top full on Appalachian quagmire.There was a cretin plucking a banjo on my front porch when I left for work this morning.
The sunflowers on the right were cute when it was just one plant.Our visiting birds are such slobs that one has become many...too many.
The green mounds on the left and behind the sunflowers are hackberry tree saplings, otherwise known as "satanic creeping plague of trees that will choke out your yard when you're sleeping."
I hope my lawnmower will start.
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