Wednesday, June 23, 2004


I mounted some switchboxes on a wall. Eight of them, actually. They will eventually house switches for eight air filtration units in the prop shop of the performing arts center at UT. This place is amazing. The ceilings are 30 feet high, it's a sprawling complex, and I learned just how sprawling this morning when I went to have a pee.
The bathroom was maybe 25 yards and 2 doors away from where I was working. When I was done with my pee I was headed back to the work area and the door I had come through wouldn't open. There were 4 other doors, and a stairwell and a stencil on the wall by the forth door that read exit. I tried the 3 other doors and found the greenroom, the stagehands office and a dark empty room. I took the door that was marked exit and walked out into the daylight the fuck am I???
I located memorial stadium and worked out my bearings from there. It was probably a 1/4 mile back to the back stage entrance where we were parked.
Like I said, this building is fucking huge.
Back to those switchboxes...4 for the front 4 units, 4 for the back. Before I could mount these boxes, we had to run pipe from the breaker panels up and across the wall, mount junction boxes to split off to the different circuits, pipe straps to hold all this shit in place, which involves measuring, leveling and hammer drilling into cinder blocks and concrete pillars and beams.
I learned how to bend get around corners, to jump over other pipe in the way...saddles, kicks, offsets, and suddenly, shit I've looked at for years and never given a second thought to was art.
Art, damn it.

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