"I'm in loveeeeee, no wait...I'm avoiding my problems...no wait...I'm in loveeeeee"
Me and "Jill"...back in the day...I found this picture buried in a closet during the demo on our remodel...that's not a hindi love dot on her forehead, it's red paint.
Jump in the wayback machine with me please...
I met my girlfriend when she applied for a job at the center in 1985. It was a group interview where any unit coordinator needing to hire would hold a roundtable interview with a pool of applicants. On this particular day of interviews I was looking to fill two positions. I was looking for strong women to round out my team of mostly men.
The first one was this kind of joan jett lookalike in converse hi-tops and spikey hair.She was cute, she was feisty and had a lot of experience in the state run facilities in Illinois. None of the other UC's were interested, so I snatched her up. I had a feeling about her and I was right. she was awesome. She was gay. I couldn't have cared less.
Next up was this girl from Ohio,I'll call her Jill, she had minimal experience but fended well for herself in this group interview and answered questions in a way that made me believe she would be a good "big sister" addition to my team. Plus, she was very attractive. Her ass would be a constant point of comment amongst us guys everytime we had the good fortune of her walking past. I snagged her too.There was some heated discussion about who needed her more, me or the UC of a girls unit, but I had been down staff longer, so I won the vote.
It was a victory I would live to regret.
I had my dream team and things were going well on twin oaks, I hadn't crashed and burned yet, and to avoid my troubles at home, I threw myself into my job as manager. Part of this job was supervision. I spent lot's of time in supervision with Jill. Mostly at first because she needed a lot of training, she was new to this sort of treatment.She learned fast and quickly became a competent mental health worker. There was obviously a mutual attraction from the get go. She was unhappy in her relationship ( she had moved here to be with her fiance, who had moved here to escape the unemployment in Ohio ) and so was I.
One thing led to another and one night at a party we ended up rolling around in the back seat of her car.That night turned into every chance we got. She broke up with her fiance and I left my wife...we were in "love".
In between all of this "love" there was a lot of speed and weed and booze...oh yeah...we were in love alright. In love with the idea of getting as far away from our separate realities that were making us miserable.
We pulled this off...and lived the lie for 8 years. I used to think that I would give anything to get those years back, to do it differently.
Had I done that, I would have never hooked up with Ann and we wouldn't be celebrating our tenth anniversary next month. But I'm getting ahead of myself again.
I know this is hard to believe, but I lived in a house decorated with geese in gingham dresses and wall shelves with carved hearts filled with all manner of homey shit.Like I said she was from Ohio...there's something in the ground water there, and it isn't good for you.
Let's just say that punk rock and stuffed geese in gingham don't mix well.
She did, however, fuck like a snake.
I found out later on that I wasn't the only recipient of her snakelike abilities.
She was doing more on her visits home than spending time with her dad.
There I go...jumping around again.
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