Wednesday, June 09, 2004


To a 12 foot ladder. I made the mistake of telling the new journeyman I'm working with about my fear of heights. He has 22 years in the field and is a few years (3) older than me.
In his opinion, I can pull this off... I can listen to and remember shit pretty good. I just have to get over this thing I have with ladders. So... I have been spending most of my days this week climbing around on 8 ft. ladders with him "reassuring" me ( riding me like a bicycle- " you ain't gonna fall! Get up there! Drill that pilot hole").
He has also taught me more in three days than my previous journeyman did in over a week.
Thank you, XXXX, for taking the time.He's showing me tricks of the trade, I'm learning to bend pipe (conduit) in the "school" way and the "better" way...the better way rocks. But I still have to pass the tests...good teacher- XXXX.
But that 12 foot ladder...on the next to the top rung, hands free, working wrenches...nerve-wracking to say the least.
Don't look down indeed.
I am having shots of Jager tonight...just 2 or 3...I'm not sure which memories are responsible- the new or the old, but fuck it...either way, a shot is in order.

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