A couple of weeks ago I got Sully a new dog toy, a Bad CUZ made by JWPet which is a hard rubber squeaky ball thing with feet and two tiny horns. It looks like this:

We called it "devil dog". Sully loved it and and would utter the most pitable doggy moans I have ever heard when it rolled under the bed or anywhere else that he couldn't reach it. He carried it around with him constantly. The squeaker lasted about 4 days, a definate new record when it comes to dog toys. The feet were chewed off a few days later. Still, it held his attention for about two weeks. My dogs tend to get bored with their toys after a while, but if take them away and hide them for a period of time then we can bring them back out a month or so later and suddenly it's a big hit again. The problem is that most dog toys never have much of an opportunity to have a second chance as they get destroyed during the first go round. "Devil dog" survived, sans squeaker and feet, well enough to have another go around down the road. However, after Sully lost interest in the toy, I didn't have another one handy and he's been driving me crazy the last few days. He's bored and by gawd, he's damn sure I know that. So today I took a chance and bought the Good CUZ version of the same toy.

It's essentially the same toy, but without the horns. I was hoping the color change and the fact that it was new with a squeaker and feet would be enough. And it was. He's currently fast asleep at my feet with the "angel dog" by his side after a good two hours of play. Whew.
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