Sunday, April 04, 2004

I hope I'm done before I get old...
Long busy weekend. Lot's of shopping. And this is where Ann and I differ. She is thoughtful, methodical and explores all avenues before making a purchase. Me on the other hand, I like to shoot and ask questions later. When we shop together I am not unlike those screaming, impatient children we all want to throttle except instead of screaming I scowl ( I sprained my eyebrows once when we were shopping for a computer).
Anyhow, we did the crawl on saturday and today we purchased our tile (just over a 1000 square feet ) , our tub,sink and toilet and some of our lights and misc. other stuff.
We came home and I spent the afternoon/evening clearing the right hand wall of our livingroom so it can be removed. That's right , another wall coming down. If we're not careful there will be no walls left on the interior of our house.
As exhausting and stressful as it is for us both, we have acknowledged our mutually increased crabbiness and are managing so far to keep in to ourselves, it's also very fucking exciting to imagine what our new place will look like in a short time (that's optimism talking there I tell ya).
Seriously though, we are under budget and ahead of schedule.
Let's hope it stays that way.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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