Saturday, April 24, 2004


I'm sitting at Maudies bar on my 4th or 5th rocks no salt and before me appears LT, our other guitarist... the one with the Greg ginn action. A Gison playin' through a Mesa boogie maniac who I haven't seen or played with in almost a year.
He saw my truck in the parking lot and came on in...bravo my friend.
We shared a coupla of margs and then they cut me off ( I had 6 apparently...and when it was pointed out to me I was "check please" because that's about 2 too many to be out in public)
LT came by and viewed the remodel in progress. It was nice to see him.
This all points to a reactivation of the band, especially since we're resurrecting the jam room in the addition...a news item he was all smiley about.
Plus our deck/stage remains, opening new vistas of neighborhood rock-n-roll shows guaranteed to have the cops at our house in the future.
I am suddenly stoked.
I bet our drummer, Badger, calls tomorrow.
Then it's music to break furniture by....all over again.

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