Sunday, April 11, 2004


I just read a post over atDawn Olsen's blog regarding Ohio passing a concealed carry permit.
I have some thoughts of my own regarding this matter, and while I'm in general agreement with her post, I can say that the chaos predicted for Texas when our law was passed never (to date) came to pass.
Do I have a carry permit? No. Do I need one? No. If I can pass the check I can buy a gun.
And I can carry it with me if I want, concealed if I want. Or on the seat next to me in my car in plain sight, or on a holster on my hip or slung over my shoulder as long as it's visible. Do I carry a gun? No, except when I go to the gun range. And then they are not loaded until I'm on the line.
If I wanted to carry a concealed gun,loaded and on my person I could get away with it. Until I used it. Generally that's when law enforcement discovers your concealed weapon, when it's not concealed anymore...and it's smoking.
Criminals and "gangsta's" are exempt from this, because after all, they are generally looking for trouble and are under the watch of law enforcement to begin with.
They don't look at me on the street and think I may have a gun hidden somewhere on my person.
And that's my one knows for sure whose packing and whose not, whether there's a law allowing it or not. Having a law like it only makes the assholes think twice before they fuck with some poor citizen.
I would never shoot a person for flipping me off, but if someone was going to shoot me for flipping them off ( and those people are out there) I would like the opportunity to return fire. But,since I don't carry a gun, I guess I would be shot. Which is why I don't (generally) try to piss people off. Because you never know who has the gat.
Gunpowder based behavior modification.
you're probably asking yourself " when would Rob use a gun"? (well,probably not, but I'm
going to tell you anyway).
If you break into my house, and I'm home, you will never walk the same way again.
If I catch you hurting someone I love, I will stop you, in any way I can including shooting your sorry ass.
In defense of my country against these terrorist assholes who are capable of anything.
These circumstances are unlikely, but I would rather be armed than sitting on my hands when the time came.
Gun control? Yeah, I control mine just fine.

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