Thursday, April 22, 2004


I, apparently, am currently on the roller coaster right now. According to a friend of mine I shouldn't be too worried...and it's the merry go round that makes you sick apparently.
Imagine you have an office...a very large office full of the things that everyone else in your company needs. You are responsible for the organization of said things, but your office is treated like a common area and people regularly move your shit around as well as the aforementioned things everyone needs.
Your boss would like these things to be organized and looks to you to do it. You try. But since it's perceived as a common area everyone is constantly fucking with your world. If that's not enough you have the walk in customers and the phone calls sabotaging your ability to organize. YOU know where EVERYTHING is and that long as YOU are THERE to help them find it.
But you're not always there. And when you're not, they call you, constantly."where is...?" conversations don't mind. It drives your boss crazy. He envisions an area well organized and easy to navigate. Yeah, right, me too boss.
But when you are constantly interrupted and redirected by the many aimless and disorganized coworkers and customers GOOD LUCK being static.
This is my work world currently.
I would love for it to be static... I would LOVE-L.O.V.E for it to be static.
It came to a head today when my boss told me he was bringing in an outside source to organize the retail area.
My feelings were hurt. At the same time I was relieved. At the same time I realized I was so focused on making the boss happy I neglected to ask for help.
Why didn't I ask for help? It is my experience you have to have a TEAM to ask for and receive help. Don't misunderstand, we are a team where I work, but more in the social sense of the definition. We care a lot about each other as people, as friends. When it comes to working together toward a common goal we suck. Everyone is an island to their own department and interdepartmental harmony is come by by fluke.
My boss asked me today if I thought organization was a "forte" of mine. I was mildly offended. I ran large psych hospitals and treatment centers for years (successfully,which is no mean feat, trust me.) which requires ALOT more fucking organization than keeping up with parts and keeping them in order.
Of course I'm well organized...I know where (almost) everything is.
I am head and shoulders the best retail manager they have ever had, but I am alone, not supported and frequently not taken seriously.
There is no realized team spirit where I work. It is mysteriously absent.
Now, I could pout and be mad about these recent developments if I chose.
But instead, I will embrace this gift of the outside source as a chance to FINALLY get organized and get static. Then I will figure out a way to keep it static, if I can.
I love my job and the people I work with...they are like family to me.
And I think that's part of the problem.

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