But my son was once...allow me to explain.
I went to 7-11 this after to get smokes and the girl cashier said she liked my shirt...
We had the following exchange...
Girl: I like your shirt...
Me: Thanks...I really wanted to wear my white devil shirt but it was dirty...
Girl (touching 7-11 tunic) : If I could wear anything but this thing I'd be wearing my hatchet man shirt...

Me: Yeah...those are cool...
Girl: I'm a Juggalo 24/7...are you a Juggalo?
Me : (containing desire to pee on myself laughing) No...but my son was when he was about 14...Chicken hunting was our favorite song.
Girl (having what I guess was a juggalorgasm ) That is so my favorite song too!
What a fucked up world we live in...I love it.
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