Tuesday, October 07, 2008


This morning, as we were finishing up our stub outs - (drill an 1-1/4" hole through the ceiling between the 2nd and 1st floors,install a 10 ft.stick of 3/4" pipe through the hole protruding down a foot and strap it down)- three side by side,I was strapping the final one when the vibration from drilling the screw in freed the one next to it and it shot 16 feet straight down to the bottom of the first floor like a rocket.It bounced off the floor 6 inches behind one of my crew mates. This is why we wear hard hats!
I can't wait for the debate tonight! It's a town hall style apparently,so there will be little opportunity for Obama to respond to the repugs recent vicious lying attacks unless an audience member asks about them.And in the meantime one can only hope that that Palin woman trips and falls on her knitting needles (you know that thing masquerading as a human woman has to knit ) or maybe one of her wolf leg lamps will short out and electrocute her.If you're wondering if I've moved from mild disdain to white hot burning hatred of the thing-why yes,I have.
That's it for me until after the debate...

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