Quite a few years ago we abandoned our backyard. And I mean that literally - in the last couple of years we haven't gone back there other than to retrieve misdirected footballs for our neighbor's grandkids. I thought it was overgrown in 2005, but now it's really overgrown and I think I'll leave a good chunk of it that way. You see, it's hot outside this afternoon, true summer weather, but it's at least 10 degrees cooler out in the backyard than it is out front thanks to our little new growth forest. So I've decided that I'm just going to hack a few trails out of the brush, clean up the deadwood, make a few cleared spaces and do some shade gardening. I also plan to remove the ligustrum bushes that have sprouted up here and there since I have a personal dislike of them. It will have to be done a teeny bit at a time so as not to strain my back, but it will be a good summer project and eventually we'll have a back yard that both us and the dogs can enjoy (though I'm sure the dogs would prefer I leave it just as it is.)

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