Monday, March 31, 2008


We had a round of layoffs today,and,while I was spared,some others were not.The majority of those laid off came as no surprise,short calls and travelers mostly.But they laid off Chuck.I've been working with Chuck steady since the Tower of Evil,and before that at UT.All together for a couple of years.
It made me sad,Brian,a traveler who got laid off today grabbed me after the news and gave me a hug saying-"Rob-what's wrong buddy?You look like you just lost your best friend".And I said I had,Chuck and I had a groove,we were a good team.That thought was echoed by almost everyone.We worked together well and, he was a very funny man with a background similar to mine.I'll probably see him again down the line,which is good,but in the meantime I have to get balanced with someone new.
So,heres to Chuck-crusty and wise-I'll miss our time doing 'lectric work together buddy.
I don't pretend to understand the decisions contractors make in regard to who to lay off and who to keep-that's really none of my business.I'm fairly certain it comes down to money,and that makes sense.But the loss of Chuck left everyone scratching their heads.He was a hard worker,dependable and well liked by everyone else on the crew.Go figure I guess.

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