Friday, March 28, 2008


Me and Chuck went from the main floor to the electrical room to check on the availability of circuits for a run we were doing.Another apprentice admonished me to "not step on the moth".There was an intricately decorated moth on the floor inches from my boot.He bent over and scooped it up,commenting it reminded him of the silence of the lambs moths-and truth be told,it did.He placed it on a rung of his ladder,and it immediately fluttered off and landed on Chucks Jeans,about mid calf,where it settled in for a meal of cotton I guess.We all had a chuckle about it and Chuck and I made our way back to the task at hand.
After about a half an hour back at our spot,Chuck was up on the ladder and noticed something on his shirt was the moth,who had somehow made the climb up his leg and chest to his sleeve.I said it's that fucking moth (because everything is fucking to an electrician)and Chuck just said"well,I guess he's still with me".And went about his business,moth in tow.
And when Chuck came out of the ceiling the moth was gone.
If you ever wondered where those dead insects come from that appear in the strangest places this could explain it.I personally hope the moth found it's way out and flew away.
To a better place,somehow a better moth for crawling around on Chuck for an hour or so.
Yeah,spiritual moments still happen,in the strangest of places.

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