Saturday, March 08, 2008


(Warning:This might gross you out,or you may find it ethnically offensive)

I hate having to use port-o-lets...alternately known as "mexican space shuttles" or "nigger incubators" (I didn't make these up people,I've seen them scrawled on the walls numerous times)but more commonly referred to as "the shitter".And the scrawled responses indicate two things-the mexicans on job sites understand more english than they are letting on when not in the shitter and our brothers are on the hunt for what ever cracker head peckerwood who is living in the mississippi south of the 60's dissed them.
I was in one today,trying to maneuver myself so I could take care of business and have as little of my body touch the surface as possible and smoke a cigarette.I was looking around my environment and thought the amount of DNA crawling all over this unit must be overwhelming.And then I had a crazy thought-if you stayed in here long enough,you could morph into some other kind of being ala Jeff Goldblum in the fly.I ditched my smoke and got the hell out of there.
They are only serviced once a week,so on a big job you are almost guaranteed being greeted by a replica of the sculpture Richard Dreyfuss makes in Close Encounters out of mashed potatoes,only it's not mashed potatoes,when you lift the lid.
And there's always a small mirror on the inside of the door at face level.Why?You can't snort speed or coke off of it.Construction workers could give a shit how they look by and large,and the few women you find on sites don't wear make up.And if they did,I'm sure they wouldn't "fix thier make up" in a stinky fiberglas vestibule when they could do it in the car (if so inclined).
I'm just glad I'm not the guy who drives the service truck for these things...called the honey wagon by those of us in the trade.
What a shitty job...ha!

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