Monday, March 10, 2008


When you have a pet for a long time,and said pet thinks you are a god or something,they learn the schedule of your comings and goings,and life revolves around you coming home.When I was at the tower,for example,she knew I would be home at around 3:45 and would begin the vigil at the door around 3:30.I would be greeted by howls and yips and toothy smiles as I came through the door like a returning hero.It's good to be loved.
But with these extended hours,poor Beenz just doesn't know what to do when I'm not coming through the door until almost dark.According to Ann she pines and sulks and curls up on my pillow or the ottoman by the door,looking miserable.


You got to feel sorry for her though,my increased work load has had a negative impact on the activity she lives and breathes for...the daily ride.I try to make up for it in other ways,but she's jonesing for the ride.Hell,I could load her up in the car and back out and back into the driveway and she'd be thrilled ,but I'm so tired when I get home I can't be assed to do even that for my little girl.So she gets peanuts instead,and extra rides on my day off.
I'm trying to be a good dad.:)

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