Sunday, August 01, 2004


Not really..I would never take my own life...I might set it up to take out some uniformed motherfuckers before they took me out...suicide by cop, go out like a soldier and all that shit.
But I am more likely to live out my days in a refridgerator box full of Owange Jubilee...kill the liver and all that shit.
I could never slit my wrists...freeflowing blood is gross and hard to clean up...sure you could lay down plastic, but someone still has to fold it up and that's messy...I wouldn't want to be remembered as a messy guy... a bullet to the head is too messy, someone who left his brains out for all to see is just too angry. So any gun thing is out of the equation. Firey car wreck is next...nope...not gonna crash my life into oblivion. There is not a concrete barrier worth me. sorry.
I guess I'll just live it out till the end...a natural suicide.
I'm funny like that.

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