Beetle, our first three toed box turtle was AWOL from the 3T pen the other day. The floor had given out from the recent heavy rains creating a gap large enough for one inquisitive as he was to tunnel down to and out and go off exploring.
When I jacked up the pen floor this after, there he was, or rather,there was his shell.
Did he drown? Did he get eaten by a racoon? I know the dogs didn't do it, cause they would have brought him in the house,like a toy. A mystery...
That's 2 for the season...first my beloved Norton and now, everyone's favorite (Ann included), Beetle.
He was more like a dog than a turtle. He would come when you called him, sit up on his hind legs and beg for food and/or pets under his chin.
This is the highest loss in our 8 years of turtle herding, sad as it is we have been very fortunate to have the success we've had.
During my search of the pen for him I discovered 2 clutches of eggs! Considering his libido, I'm guessing (hoping really) they are his progeny and they will hatch out.

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