Friday, August 20, 2004


This asshole, Sadr, if I was running the show, would be buried under the rubble of this mosque. The holiest shrine in Iraq would be a pile of rubble with dead mangled bodies of Sadr and his followers under it.
This is war, and war implies we are here to kick your ass by whatever means possible.And if that means destroying the building your holed up in solely because its sacred, that building would be the first to spades.
All this pussyfooting around in Iraq is driving me crazy...why do we give a flying fuck about the culture and what's important to them when our whole point in being there is to impose "democracy" and change said culture.
You can spout the "if there is a god" bullshit all you want...I say this: If there IS a god, NONE of this would be happening. Don't want to offend the religious sensibilities of a country?, don't fucking invade it.
When germany blitzed england during WWII, do you think they gave a fuck about all the churches in that country? fact they targeted them, along with schools and an effort to defeat the english. (and thanks to Winston and a gigantic sense of nationalism, it was a failed strategy).
My Mom was a nurse in england during this shit...she saw the horror.
My parents were married in one of those bombed out churches.
The structure was damaged but the spirit was still there.
Viet Nam endured the spanish,the french and us, and nobody prevailed but the Vietnamese.
The first gulf war doesn't count ...we didn't finish what we started, and even if we did, it wouldn't matter.
Beyond the total destruction of Iraq and it's people, there is no winning.
War has become many rules to follow that the original goal has become clouded and lost.And that goal is to win.But to what gain?
I'm sorry...I just don't see it.

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