Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Back on 9-11-01 and the days that followed, many of us started carrying our guns around with us...just in case.
After a time, I began wondering...in case of what? Will I be able to shoot down a plane with a 9mm? No.
Would I be able to repel a ricin attack with an SKS? No.
Would I be able to defend myself from terrorists, on our soil who were leading an armed assault on Austin? Yes.
The likelihood of that happening? Zilch...zer-eggo...nada.
Until this morning...on the way to work,the news guys I listen to were talking about a paki guy who was arrested in North Carolina in possession of video of "suspiciously filmed" scenes of (our large Dam) Mansfield dam...some buildings downtown and in and around the university area (where I work).
They have yet to determine if this guy is connected to I'll killya, I mean al queda, or he's just some goofball paki architect who thinks our shit is cool...we'll see, I guess.
The chief complaint my radio guys had was the tolerance Austin has for aliens...we basically turn a blind eye to the number of illegal aliens here for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, mexican labor is cheap. Secondly, some members of our fair city can rob said mexican labor, and fearing the INS, they don't report the robberies. Remember, bunnypants was once the gubner here, this could be a way to boost the economy left over from when he had to be satisfied with fucking up Texas instead of the whole world.
And finally...UT...a campus teeming with turbans, and asians who may or may not be muslim.
This jaggedly brings me to another point.
We are currently working in the college of business administration. I would make a rough guess that 80 to 85 % of the students I see on any given day are arabic and asian and spanish.
They are taking advantage of the western model of a business education in increasing numbers.
To beat us at our own game and take the experience home with them.
Is this simply foreign students taking advantage of a superior education or "soft,delayed, economic based terrorism"?
That's just crazy thinking.
Is the UT campus filthy with jihad bent terror cells?
That's just fucking stupid.
Or is it?
Thanks media...for waking up the paranoia in me...again.

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