Mark Richard Davis....8-72 to 7-04...Rock star
But Marks was an exception...There were tears and laughter and applause. The place was packed, full of family and friends. The culmination of a week long mourning, as a collective we are done. The grand finale of a week of sadness, anger, fear and amazement.
But we will each carry this loss to the end of our days.
His family had this photo slide show of pictures from childhood to the present set to music...foremost was Willy doing Uncloudy Day (which I learned Mark said the song made him believe in god from Ash) .
I was surprised to see images from clubspit and parties at our house which reminded me of how connected we were, and are.
Ann commented that she thought she was done crying...I thought I was too, and I heard similar comments from lots of folks that were in attendance.
It is in my nature to try to understand why things happen and why people do what they do.
There is no understanding this, now or ever...he's just gone.
He took his mom dancing a week before, she talked about it today...how he spun her around the dance floor with a giant grin on his face.
She didn't know it then but he was saying goodbye.
Dancing with his mom....amazing.
He gave her a lasting happy memory.
He was funny that way.
And now we move on.
There have been many comments from our friends out there in blogland over the last week...heartfelt and very kind, thank you all so much for being good friends.
Perhaps someday we'll get a chance to meet.
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