Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's November
And that means NaBloPoMo which is ironic because I just went 30 days without posting a thing so what are the odds of my writing a blog post every day for the next 30? October pretty much sucked for a variety of reasons. There were things bothering me that I couldn't discuss here and I suppose that's why I didn't bother to post at all. I don't know if I can come up with enough small talk in November to pull off a post a day, but I'll give it a shot.

This year I voted early since I wasn't going to have time on Tuesday after work to stand in line for the four plus hour waits that are predicted. It's the first time I've ever done early voting (I still had to stand in line, but not too long) and it's weird to have to wait days for the election results instead of hours. Although there is enough news coverage guessing what the vote might be in this or that state to make it seem almost like election day coverage every night.

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