Bad lighting and Ann's inability to operate a camera (just kidding) and that one little hint of man boob on the left prevented me from posting this at hot or not.Just keep in mind I'm 48 years old and have never been much of one to exercise.
Ann says it's totally 70's porn...HA!I'm just pleased with the weight loss,which I can thank a semi smarter diet and my job for,fuck pilates,get on a ladder.
There...that lil' bit of man boob in the first pic is gone...if you subtract the weight of the ink,I'm probably there.
Don't let the imagery frighten you too much,or offend your sensibilities.Or make you question your beliefs.Wait,that was my whole point.
But my whole point in this is you can lose the weight...I could be a satanic Richard Simmons,oh wait...
On second thought,that was the whole point really.The satanic part anyway.
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