That's what it's like trying to push 8 inch long pieces of #10 wire into a box with 2 duplex receptacles attached.I went out of my way to minimize the amount of wire with success,but short lengths of # 10 are very unforgiving.
Plus I had my upper body inside the cabinet where this earthbound version of hell was located.It was like being in an oven and a subwoofer cabinet at the same time.Hot,and with every bang on the box in question,loud.Very unpleasant,but I prevailed.
There are owls in the hangar next to our break area.I saw them yesterday,and they are a sight to behold.The one flying around in the rafters had a wing span of at least 3 feet,you could hear the whooshing sound as he flew.I took some pictures with my shitty camera phone and ended up with blurry blobs on the rafters.I forgot my real camera today,but it's in my tool bag now,so hopefully they'll still be there tomorrow.(the guys working out of that hangar said they thought they were gone.We'll see.
Speaking of birds...I'm really enjoying the feeders/baths out front.Mostly our visitors are doves,with a few grackles thrown in,and a couple of smaller birds I'll call sparrows for ignorance on the species.We had some smaller doves this evening that are either juvenile members of the usual ones,or a smaller species.
The larger ones land on the feeders and go around knocking out seed and then jump down to the ground to eat.Pretty cool.
The shoveling out of the seed...
Feeding time!
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