It could have been ugly, but it wasn't. But it was so perversely funny that we laughed until our sides hurt. I for one haven't laughed so hard in months...maybe even years. As I've said before, there is a church next to our practice space, and while the congregation has always been small and almost never present during our practices...that has changed recently...what with them having a service on that sunday we jammed...our bad timing, but this was a saturday night so, who knew that shortly after our favorite drummers arrival there would be a stream of cars pulling in and each of those cars would eject some of the largest hispanic women and thier men I have ever seen in my life.
So, we're sitting around the overturned "live specimens" styrofoam box that we use as a table on the driveway to our space watching these cars come in, and I'm amazed at the size of the women getting out of these sub compacts...they are HUGE. I make some lame ass joke about clown cars at the's the church of obese mexican chicks and thier miserable cheating husbands. Which is quickly deemed non PC and altered to the church of the post pubescent starch explosion.
You can do the math.
We are all laughing hysterically as Clutch blasts from the PA, and decide they should have some musical accompaniment to the sit down supper they are having.

(from left to right: fat...not so fat...OH MY GOD.)
It's mostly a free form jam with smatterings of old Wolves songs thrown in for good measure..."reststop" is played in it's entirety because it's just an ugly ugly song.
When we emerge from our second set, the parking lot is empty...they have dissappeared into the night, with only the zombie green neon cross burning on the front of the building as proof of thier presence.
We should probably feel guilty, but it was just too damned funny.
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