Thursday, November 03, 2005


Here's the line of comments I got on my post "It's a rally mofos!"...and of course it's immediately misinterpreted...

Because, of course, the Klan and the Christian/Family Values Right are the same in your knee-jerk, pathological, Christophobic fervor.
And then you'll feel like you made a difference for the better...and then pat yourself some more.
Anonymous | 11.02.05 - 12:25 am | #

So I try to clarify my meaning for the retarded amongst us that fail to understand...

Man...are you SO off the mark on this one! The klan is the klan, I don't care what party they vote for, or support for that matter.
Christian and or family values are not the klan, but that's what they're espousing on this swing through town. They are nothing but racist,bigoted opportunists.Jumping on whatever agenda that suits them and their hate.
The fact that prop 2 is supported by conservatives is just an ironic footnote to me.
My involvement in this is about humanity...not politics.
And when we shame them off the city hall steps this saturday, your'e god damn right I'll be patting myself on the back.
For everyone that joined us.
You need to learn there are two socks people put their shit in.
el robbo | Homepage | 11.02.05 - 9:12 pm | #

Anon refuses to understand, I'm not suggesting he's a retard, but I'm beginning to have my doubts...check this shit...

but you assign my beliefs with theirs and denigrate us as one and the same.
Anonymous | 11.02.05 - 9:29 pm | #

If he/she is a retard, he/she's a high functioning one who spells real good...if you know what I mean.I respond, hoping for a reasonable response.

What??? PLEASE elaborate on this line of thinking. Are you a racist? A homophobe?
A Klan-ster? Or just a conservative?
There is a difference.
el robbo | Homepage | 11.02.05 - 9:43 pm | #

This is what I get...

I'm just a believer
Anonymous | 11.02.05 - 10:30 pm | #

And with that, I have lost all respect for this troll...

What??? Are you that lame that you can't answer a simple question? You are falling down on the job Anon...I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
A believer in what exactly? It can't be that Monkees song from the 60's could it?
Ha Ha....
el robbo | Homepage | 11.02.05 - 10:51 pm | #

And then the truth comes out...

JC, reverend. I'm a radical, ultra, arch, far-right wing fundamentalist extremist...I guess. Just like the Klanclowns, right? And...nevermind.
Anonymous | 11.03.05 - 12:09 am | #

Anon GUESSES he's all of those'd call that CONFLICTED. I don't know if Anon's a "klanclown" but he is definately an "Assclown".

Oh dear Jesus.
special k | Homepage | 11.03.05 - 8:50 pm | #

Special K lends the voice of reason...why do I waste my time?

Check back Saturday for pics and stories of why I waste my time on these sorry bastards called the klan.

I love trolls like's too fucking easy to be right. Maybe that's because of my knee-jerk, pathological, Christophobic fervor.

HA HA...

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