Sunday, November 20, 2005


But WHY aren't people in your country protesting on the streets about this?

Or are they all so tied up in their consumerist media-driven lifestyles and their gods that they are blind to what murder is being committed in their name?

And I wonder why people from our country who know about this (ie the British army bods on the streets with yours) aren't making their voices heard to our government?
Blue Witch | Homepage | 11.19.05 - 4:37 pm | #

Where to begin...Let me begin by using the recent example of the visit of the klan to our fair city. Barriers were set up that put the anti klan people so far away that any "meaningful" exchange of ideas was effectively crushed. The city deployed police en masse...including helicopters and some say sharpshooters to ensure the klans safety. They even censored the media, arbitrarily deciding what constituted "legitimate" news sources. As you can imagine, civil suits have been filed, and the city of Austin maintains the measures were taken to keep people safe.
From what? Were the city leaders taking steps to avoid the possibility of the klan related riot that occurred in Ohio a while back? Or were they engaging in a far more malevolent practice instituted by the Bush administration?
Yes..."Free speech zones"...miles away from whatever horseshit they were ramming down our throats, and coincidentally, miles away from the cameras and the media at large. As Orwellian as it sounds..."free speech zones", think about that for a minute. You can excercise your right to free speech as long as you excercise that right in an area designated and controlled by what amounts to the enemy. And the bonus here is that if you do, no one will hear you.Which is exactly the result the bushites are seeking. They want to operate unfettered.Like those guys in the guiness commercials proclaim "Brilliant".
You can say what you want, but only at a distance where no one will hear you and it will be of no consequence, plus, we can further marginalize and belittle you and your cause.
Another example is the vigil Cindy Sheehan held in Crawford ( home of the asshat in chief ) Texas. Since she left, the city passed several ordinances limiting protesters severely, there is now a 5 (?) square mile buffer around bush's ranch, a camping ban and a portable toilet ban, all under the premise to "keep people safe".
But I think it's clear what's going on here.
Free speech is being squelched.
And as the critical voices in washington begin to rise, you will see more of this...from the top down.
We are speaking out, BW, but they just speak louder, drowning the voice of reason out.

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