I do...it was an image that was burned into my brain during that other load of shit war called Viet Nam.
That naked little girl doing the "Richard Pryor mile" had been burned by napalm(olive), (softens your hands while you burn villages), all that smoke in the background should give you an idea of how devastating it is. There's nothing there anymore.
That was first generation napalm...what they have now is second generation. The Pentagon hasn't ( to my knowledge at this posting ) admitted to using the new and improved
napalm, but has admitted to using white phosphorus (WP) or Willy Pete. Initially, it said it only used WP to "illuminate the night skies in Fallujah" but then corrected itself to say it used it as a weapon, but not against "civilians".
OK...let's talk about civilians for a minute. Indigenous non combatants...but there's no official army fighting us in Iraq...there are no uniforms, they are labelled "insurgents" from other countries, even though recent reports show that on our latest offensive, "steel curtain" or some such john wayne swaggering named horse shit, the vast majority of killed and captured are, in fact, Iraquis...Not battallions of republican gaurd in uniform, but the equivalent of the cong, who looked like, you guessed it, civilians.
So, what do you think is going to happen? Please choose from the following:
A. We can't differentiate between combatants and civilians, let's back off...
B. Light those motherfuckers UP!
If you chose A, you should be euthanized.
This is a WP round exploding...

White Phosphorus - A Filler, which burns extremely hot and gives off a thick cloud of white smoke. A unique characteristic of white phosphorus (WP) is that it burns when exposed to air. WP rounds can be very hazardous and should be approached with caution. WP UXO have been found on ranges that were not completed burned out because of a crust that has been formed over the once exposed filler sealing it from air. If disturbed the crust could crack and expose the WP filler to air thus re-igniting the round. WP is used mainly in grenades, mortars and projectiles.
Now, while there are smoke grenades for location and status of troops on the ground, and signal mortars for similar purposes, grenades, mortars and projectiles are by and large used to kill people.
I submit to you they lit those motherfuckers up, with the blessing of the criminals running this war and this country.
I can't wait to hear the "collateral damage" claims undoubtedly coming from the pentagon some time soon...as in a weak dicked "we regret the...". "It was necessary to"... and
"civilian casualties were, regrettably, unavoidable in a campaign of this scope".
"This is a slaughter"...Animal Mother, Full Metal Jacket.
No shit.
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