Wednesday, November 30, 2005


As I sit here listening to Frank Zappa's sheik ...that track of him just ripping it the fuck up before the awesome song "Bobby Brown" and then "I knew you'd be surprised". He's ripping it on a gibson SG.
I got this big smile on my face knowing I can coax similar sounds from my own SG...and he just riffs away, like I do sometimes.
It makes me smile.
To approximate I know all the words.
Thank you Frank for putting the icing on a actually pretty cool birthday...Dinner at maudie's was about 40 bucks, but when the bill came it was 13.89...the manager cut our ticket for my birthday. Cool.
My friends at the package store gave me some free Dewars scotch...thanks guys, Ann loved it.
All in all it was a good if you'll excuse me, I have some tickets to scratch. :)

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