Friday, January 14, 2005


Well, when I woke up this morning, I could barely move without crying out in pain in response to the hammer drill that is currently kicking my backs ass. It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand...definitely a win win situation for pain dammit. So I call my foreman and explain my situation, and my decision to bite the bullet and fill the scripts for the Soma and Anaprox. As I've mentioned before, I am not a fan of pills, specifically downers and muscle relaxants (note to self: do humorous post about the time you "almost died" doing quaaludes in high school, preferably while goofing on soma), but that's another story.
Since I'm going to the pharmacy anyway, I figured I'd fill the scripts my doc had given me for my hbp meds, since the samples for one of them was gone as of yesterday. I grab the scripts only to discover the one I'm out of isn't there. I can't call for a refill rules at my docs practice, so I figure I'll go and have the nurse check my pressure and get either a: a script or b: some more samples and then set up an appointment for a fasting blood draw that I have been blowing off for a month. This my friends, is what I like to call "physiological bartering". So...I'm not concerned about the blood pressure check, since the nurse at PRO-MED checked it out the other day at 122 / 87 ( that's good ), The nurse at my doc's office reads 144 / 102 ( not good ). I have always had "white coat hypertension", meaning my BP goes up because I get anxious, but these numbers were off the scale considering my earlier good reading at PRO-MED just 2 days ago. As you can imagine, this did nothing to quell my anxiety. The other nurse came in and took it again, this time it was 132 / 91...better, but not 122 / 87.
I get my samples and set up the blood draw for monday morning and head off to the pharmacy to get my pain meds...remember those? I do, because I am IN FUCKING PAIN.
I have to fill out a workers comp form so the pharmacy can verify that I am not a sneaky pill headwas really injured at work, and then they have to call for billing info and blah blah blah.
I'm assured this will only take "at least 45 minutes" and they will call me when it's ready. So I wince around the grocery store down the street for 45 minutes so Ann won't have to go later ( it's her day off after all) and return to the pharmacy to get my pills. Nope...waiting for billing info...go home we'll call you. This started at 10:49 am.
At 2:45 pm, after a call to my foreman who had heard nothing, I called the pharmacy.They cheerfully told me it was ready to go. Since when I thought? They didn't call me...bastards.
Customer service is truly a lost art.
Now, if you'll excuse's soma time.

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