Since I work near the drag, I frequent stores on the drag, usually the Tetco, but today the 7-11, I encounter dragrats. Dragrat: (N) ; Homeless person, generally by choice. Usually dressed in circa 1982 british hardcore punk band style. (See "Subhumans", see also "Flux of Pink Indians" and "CRASS"). Also known as "Dragworm" , "Crusty", "Pain in the ass stinky panhandler".
Back in the day, I used to do street outreach with these types. But now that i am a "civilian", I see them in a different I'm in the 7-11 on 26th and the lines are long (as they often are) and this dragrat that looked like a mongoloid version of Emo Phillips with bed head :

He's getting a 1/4 pounder link, and he's shakey. In the flurry of the lunch rush and the long lines, he finishes his condiment adornment, looks at the 12 people in line, closes his weiner box and walks out of the store without paying. The only other person to notice this shoplifting besides me is the sandwich sample lady at the corner of the registers. She tries to get the cashiers alert him of the theft of a 99 cent hotdog (plus condiments), and we catch eyes. She says silently to me "can you believe this dragrat just ripped us off?!" and I say " you look just like george's mom from that Sienfeld show". She shrugs her shoulders and I smile and shrug mine...the universal symbol for "fucking dragrats". Meanwhile, Emo sucks down the hot dog right in front of the store, in front of god and everybody, unphased by his theft, his hunger got the best of him. When he was done he threw the box down and stumbled off. I kept my place in line and watched college students pay for minor shit with bank cards and vaguely wondered how long it would be before some of them stole hot dogs from this very 7-11. On my way out, Georges mom gave me a wedge of a chicken salad sandwich and told me to be sure to come by tomorrow, so I could get a free sandwhich coupon.
I think I might do that, and if I see "Emo" tomorrow, I'll give it to him, cause if you're hard up enough to lift a 7-11 hot dog, a chicken salad sandwich would rule.
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