That is the english translation of panzerfaust, as in panzerfaust records, which I found thanks to portal of evil, a clearing house of internet oddities, insanities and all around hilarity. I will not post a link to panzerfaust, because it is a white supremacist/neo nazi website/record label/propaganda site that sings the praises of those "pure" aryans, that I thought were permanently regaled to the backwoods. I was wrong. And I'm not posting the link because of some superior moral standing, I just don't want you to think I'm down with with the "WP".
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me tell you, it was the most entertaining social science experience I've had in a while. The cd section is HUGE ( I knew about Skrewdriver and Kreator from working with hammerskins back in the day) and international...these mothers are all over the globe fer crissakes. The descriptions are hilarious, and there is a huge section devoted to bands covering the dearly (apparently) loved Skrewdriver, tributes to hatred, I guess. Including one called "Skrewdriver: The Ballads" Ballads???White power Ballads?!
These people are truly fucked up, and since I was also fucked up ( was sunday, and on sunday you can start drinking whenever you want so I did...sue me) I cackled like a hyena at the descriptions and song titles ("basketfull of N*****heads" that's deep) before moving on to the apparel section, or as I like to refer to it " The cotton gallery of h8" (that's how these "superior beings" spell hate BTW).
But then I saw this:

I ordered it. I had to have it. I almost peed on myself laughing as I punched in my order information. I was thinking what a rad fucking shirt to wear at the 10 year anniversary gig! This rocks!
Today, moderately hung over until lunch, I was reflective about my purchase, and sobriety's unclouded eye prompted me to rethink ever wearing it in public. But it was fucking hilarious to me at the time, especially after viewing the blonde haired blue eyed model in the shirt and her panties ( I think they were the swastika adorned crotchless ones, but I was drunk, so I could of just imagined that).
So...I got this shirt coming, and undoubtedly, a pile of racist propaganda to follow. Which I will ridicule and pick apart as they my white devil T.
I buttoned up a junction box that had a shitload of circuits running through it, and inadvertently pinched a wire between the box and the cover. A hot wire. When the breaker was turned on, there was an explosion and a shower of sparks, I was embarrassed and I scared the shit out of the sheetrock guys that were working in the hallway were the box was. First mistake like this in 8 months. I have the cover, it's all black with little drops of molten copper from the wire I journeyman took a sharpie marker and wrote "Rob's welding:120volts".
Here it is:

I have been shamed. :)
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