Thursday, October 16, 2003

Unexpected Blog Hiatus
Ever have those days where you wonder where the time went? I've had a week of those. I stopped doing my usual amount of "computer time" in the mornings and have only just done email with my coffee. The idea was that I could spend my evenings reading blogs and maybe compose a post or two now that it's getting dark earlier, but it hasn't exactly worked out that way. Some of this is due to the fall-like weather we are experiencing. The temps have been just perfect for working in the yard during the day and between the yardwork and walking with Rob three nights a week, I've been hitting the bed by nine or ten o'clock at night. A week or so ago, I never went to bed before two in the morning and my concept of having "lots of time at night to do things" definitely needs to an adjustment. All of a sudden I've lost about five hours out of my day, but I'm think this is a good thing. It's been well over five years and maybe longer since I regularly got eight hours of sleep at night. Not having a job didn't change my habits, but all this recent exercise has definitely changed things. And I think it's a change for the better.

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