Friday, October 17, 2003

I am definately ready for a walk tonight
I've spent too much time on the computer today turning my frustration into shoulder knots and a walk should work those out for me. I started the day by signing up for a bCentral ecommerce site which I'm not very happy with at the moment. I'm glad the first 30 days are free because once I got to using it, well... I'm not so impressed. I could have hand coded a ecommerce site faster than I can do it using their wizard stuff, but my mom needs to be able to use this so I figured I'd give it a try. I haven't decided to cancel it yet since it's only been one day and there's no need to rush to judgement. I'm definately not ready to show my mom how to use it so she can add her paintings. Maybe next week.

I also spent time over at e-Bay reading another set of rules and how to information. I did manage to get some items listed for sale, but I think it takes longer to take the pictures, edit the pictures and post a sale item than it does to make the shirts. Maybe it's just the learning curve. And how was I supposed to come up with any snappy product descriptions after all that dry reading? Ah well, I suppose any kind of listing better than nothing since these t-shirts aren't going to sell themselves by sitting in the storage room. Oh, and if you're curious... My Stuff on Ebay

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