I see headline after headline justifying our invasion of Iraq and the importance of preventing "the terrorists" from acquiring wmd's and blowing the shit out of the good ol' usa.
Hasn't happened yet...and I'd venture to guess nothing remotely close to what Cheney calls a single day of horror will.
This war on terror is playing out to be this generations Viet Nam. With some important exceptions: It's about oil and big money, backed by a corrupt administration headed up by an idiot...Ok..so oil is an exception.
As the american people continue to slowly wake up to what's really going on the war will lose more and more support.
The administration will continue to launch new PR attempts to legitimize it, each one more ridiculous than the last,and when you line them up and compare them they will be rift with lies and contradiction.
It's painfully obvious the players involved in this first wave of propaganda are completely full of shit...Bush,Cheney,Powell...the whole bunch. If they aren't already trying to figure a way out this mess...they need to start-yesterday.
They're trying to scare us...I don't know about you,but for me, it's not working. I'm not scared of the terrorists. They have enough sense to know that if they come into this country and attack us in a conventional sense our military will be the least of their concerns...our citizenry would kill their ass in a hurry. We have the firepower to do this.
I have an open invitation to any would be terrorist to fuck with me and mine and see what happens. This limits the possibilities to attacking our interests abroad or another 9-11 type attack. They don't have the means or the wearwithall to hit us from afar with a nuke...they should know that if they did the us of a would nuke the fuck out of the entire middle east, which would trigger armageddon and the end of the world for everyone...nobody wants that,not even the terrorists. To assume they would risk this in the name of Islam is naive...they're terrorists-not retarded.
Israel and Palestine have been trading punches for years over property and religion and will probably continue to do so. That's what were doing albeit on a larger scale...for us it's property (oil) for them it's religion.
I'll tell you what scares me...what's going on here at home.The slow(?) erosion of our rights,how the middle class is getting a first class rogering and how our neighbors are beginning to hate us. We're heading down the road to isolation in the international community and the current administration is driving our economy into the ground,killing us really...if you think things are bad now,just wait...it gets worse,Bush and his minions will see to that...the writing's on the wall and apparently the majority of americans refuse to see it and do anything about it.
Speaking of doing something about it...let's look at the opposition to the dictator currently in power....We have nine democratic "hopefuls" gunning for his job...if you eliminate the ridiculous ( Sharpton, Kucinich, Mosely,Lieberman and those other two)
that leaves Dean , Kerry and Clark...Thats two too many.The democrats shouldn't be wasting time fighting among themselves to pick the candidate to go up against the mongoloid in chief...they need to be united and focused with one candidate.But which one?
Dean? Kerry? Clark? It's hard to tell because they're all spending way too much time throwing rocks at Bush...we already know Bush is an asshole who doesn't have a clue.Let's start hearing about what YOU'RE gonna do for us that's gonna turn this country around...the bush bashing is so loud we can't hear that part of the argument.
When are we going to address in some meaningful way the coup the republicans are staging...in Texas,in California,in Florida? They're attempting to fix the election before our very eyes and we do nothing.
I'm afraid it will soon be too late to do anything about any of it.
It's groundhog day in america...the same shit over and over again...a single day of horror on replay...someone needs to step up and hit the eject button.
I realize this is rambling...but I'm so overwhelmed with the bullshit raining down on us it's the best I can do.
Maybe a simpler way of putting this is: man! are we fucked or what???