Sunday, July 20, 2008


Or something like that.I was making calls this afternoon about the party next weekend and big Al had an electrical problem so I went over there to check it out.Big Al is one of my friends from the dillo days,so you know I was gonna hook him up.
We do the initial check out thing and go to home depot for the remedy,when we get back whose on the porch but wendy's (the girl we're having the party for) dad,Bill.
God damn!How long has it been since we've been all together in the same room?Years I tell you-years.
There was much reminiscing and story telling...and even a nephew of Al's who had some interesting things to say.It was an amazing afternoon that turned into an amazing evening.And I learned some things as well.
Bill is possessed of a similar memory to mine,he remembered things about my parents that amazed me.Good on ya Bill-who knew?
We talked about his daughter,truly a work of art.And while the jokes flew around about her tattoos it was clear that he and I love her and are so proud.I told him about having her back when she was on the street...she doesn't know (well she does now)how I used my cred to make sure nothing bad happened to her while she was out there-erm-finding herself.
In the end I guess it's just old guys telling stories...but they are good stories with mostly happy endings.
It sucks to get old,but at least I have these guys to do it with.
Sometimes you forget how really connected you are to people.
I got a lesson today.

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