It was a BBQ...It was a barndance.In general,in my humble opinion,it fucking ruled.We had an excellent turn out.The music was good and the music was loud.There were people in attendance from every period of our lives,past and present.I didn't get many pictures,but there were others there that were popping flash like crazy-when I get those,you know they'll be posted here...
In the mean time...fucking indeed! think she takes after me?Nahhhh.
Part of the high school crowd...I'm so glad these three made it.
Another high school bud...he sat in with us and we whipped out some old ZZ Top.
It was a memorable night-it ended early-about 11,but the band hung out together until about 1...Like I said.:)

Photo by hobo hank...he brings out the rock star in me I think...ha!
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