Long time readers will know that Rob and I have always had a hard time remembering if our wedding anniversary is on the 23rd or the 24th. That's because our boxer Skeeter was born on the 24th and every year after we got him we'd be wondering which date was his birthday and which date was our anniversary. Skeeter is gone now, but the confusion remains. In the past, we would have to go rummage in that box of "important papers" and look at the marriage license to know which date was which. After we started the blog, we could just do a search and find a post that mentioned it, but this year we didn't have to do either. A few weeks ago we were looking for something else and came across our box of left over wedding invitations. And so the correct date was fresh in our minds this month and tonight I present you with a blast from our past - a copy of our home-made invitation, crudely designed and printed via our computer and printer back in the dark ages of personal computing, circa 1994. I've smudged the address and the map, but otherwise it is an exact replica of what we sent out.

The dress casual (wear shorts) was a hint that this was taking place in our backyard and around these parts in July, even at 8:00 PM, it is still quite hot outside. Gift registry was at R.E.I. and that proved to be an extremely wise decision given that we were going camping on our honeymoon. We got some of the most awesome wedding gifts ever (provided one likes to go camping as much as we do.) I wish I could throw up some pictures of the wedding, but those were not in the same box as the invites.
Our anniversary celebrations have been varied over the years ranging from the romantic (like a rented boat for just the two of us on Lake Austin or a hotel suite with a whirlpool) to the communal (band gets together and throws a jam party) to the home cooked gourmet meal to a dinner out at our favorite restaurant. This year Rob cooked dinner on the grill and we hung out with our neighbor Jen on the front porch. That might seem like an odd choice for an anniversary celebration, but over the years that she's been our neighbor, she's become family and it just seemed right, especially since she's moving away in a week to far North Austin. Here we were celebrating 14 years together right at the time that she is stepping forth into her own major commitment to a relationship. And as much as we hate to see her move away, we know she's moving in with someone who cares deeply about her and we hope that she'll find as much happiness as we have. So tonight, we drank champagne together, toasted our past and her future and reaffirmed that love really is what makes the world go 'round.
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