Friday, February 15, 2008


Plagued by skin and food allergies for the last half of his life,the grumpy old man has suffered hair loss,goopy eyes and was constantly scratching or chewing on himself.We had tried a variety of foods,and settled on Beneful's healthy radiance because it at least kept it in check.
Three or four 20 pound bags ago the store was out of that particular brand and I stumbled upon Pedigree's chicken with rice and vegetables, boasting more protein than beneful.
Well,guess what?His eyes are clear,his hair is growing back,and his coat is shiny and healthy looking as opposed to dry and straw like,and he no longer chews/scratches like a maniac.
I am amazed at the difference in 3 weeks to a month!
He's still an old man,so as far as energy level goes,he's still on a sleep,eat,drink,poop,sleep,snuggle regimen,but his snuggling is a bit more enthusiastic.

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