Thursday, February 07, 2008


Mitt (what kind of fucking name is that?) is out of the running.Thank god for that.What a steaming pile of jet molded plastic,not to mention his dog murdering camp counselor son.
That leaves us with St. McCain to carry the water of the rotting corpse of Reagan.And that religio-fanatic Huckabee,lets hope that he's the next casualty.And if there's any justice in the world,he will be.
McCain is so hated by the base that the democrats are almost a leadpipe cinch next year.One can hope,anyway.So,from my perspective anyway,it comes down to Clinton or Obama.
That's a tough call,endorsed by half the Kennedy's,Obama seems destined for a bullet.There are some nuts somewhere who are aghast at the thought of a nigger president and are planning his demise like two rats fucking in a wool sock.Which is too bad,if they could just get past the fact that they are miscreant retard relics who could benefit from electroshock therapy,they would see that what he says makes sense.If you're a dreamer.
I like Obama,I would smoke a joint with him.And there in lies the problem.And that black thing.While technically he's a mulatto,too many of american voters think mulatto is a reference to the insane clown posse,and that's not a plus.
Then you have Hillary,I saw her on Letterman the other night,and god damn is her ass BIG.Which leads me to believe she's sat on it for a long time...that secretary spread.No wonder Bill likes face-OOOHHH!
All kidding aside,I'm not sure the reputation of this country can be saved by any of the front runners,or anyone else for that matter.Bush has dug us so far down the future looks bleak.
Unless Will Smith gets into the race,and then - maybe.

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