Monday, February 25, 2008


I am prone to bouts of teary eyed feeling sorry for my self and my horrible station in life and blah blah blah.But,truth be told,I've had a charmed life on balance.I'm damaged,that's for sure.I carry a hurt around with me that no one can sooth or cure.It shows in my every movement but you have to look close to see's there,lurking.
But I have other things too.Mostly it's people who love me.And I can't tell you how important that have people that love you,no matter what.And on count,there's quite a few.People who have been in my life for 30 plus years,not constantly,but rolling around like satellites.We weave in and out of each others lives being there when it matters,and even when it doesn't.
We spent Sunday at an old friend of mines home,in her parents house where she grew up,and to quote:"I never left-my parents moved out".Ha!The last time we got together was here and the band was three or so years ago.In the ensuing years,life went on...we went on.
But in the last year or so,she lost her mom and most recently, her dad.
I know I'm rambling,but bear with me.I have a point.
And now she's an orphan,just like me,just like Bill.But we have each other.
You know you hug people all the time,people you love,people you feel obligated to hug on that social contract sort of thing,you have your family...and I've got mine,my kids,my grandkids and I love them very much.
But when I was in the embrace of my VW girl yesterday I was home,a connection that defies description.Love.A simple word but somehow complicated.
And I have a smile on my face and in my heart. quote my most ever favorite drummer on the planet...blah blah blah...

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