Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Breaking 200
Twenty years or so ago, I would have been talking about my bowling score if I said I was "breaking 200". But today I'm talking about my weight, specifically that I've weighed right at 200 pounds now for a couple of weeks. It's taken me about three years to lose 35 pounds, but it hasn't been the sort of up and down thing that happens to so many other folks trying to lose weight. Just a steady 1 pound or so a month, so slow that weighing myself on a regular basis was pointless and in fact, our bathroom scale was in the back of Rob's car for at least a year (and I have no idea why it was there in the first place.) But now that I'm right at that 200 hundred mark, something I discovered via a doctor's visit, I brought the scale back into the house and I've started stepping on it every day because I'm very excited about getting below the big two-oh-oh mark. I hope this new obsession with my weight isn't going to have the opposite effect and I'll start gaining again, but I really want to know the day that I go below, even though I know I'm likely to vary a few pounds up and down afterwards, I still want to see that needle below 200 at the first opportunity. It's a goal that's taken me years and years to even get close to achieving and now that I'm almost there, I'm like a kid before Christmas, anxiously waiting for the big day. And I'm not gonna cheat by dieting or doing anything silly like drinking "weight loss tea" because then it wouldn't count.

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