As has been the course lately,I woke up at 6:30,thinking I had to go to work.Somehow Friday has become Saturday and vice~versa.It's only a 5 to 10 second sense of confusion,but it's enough to get me up.I had some coffee and hung out with Ann before she went to work and then went back to bed.Where I stayed sleeping with the dogs and watching shitty television until somewhere around 4.It was cold and raining and dark outside,so staying under covers was the perfect choice.
I ventured out to the HEB for supplies (beer for Ann,juice for me)and I found an awesome pork roast for $3.05-great,theres tonights dinner.
I realized I needed a rack to cook it on and Ann needed a new and improved bread knife.So around 7 I went to target.No bread knives or racks.I figured it was Saturday night,the super Wal-Mart would'nt be crowded.I had Irene with me,and she would dig the extra ride time.So we were off.
I learned four things tonight.
1.It is crowded...there were mexican kids running around everywhere,between and around the carts that their parents were barely pushing (any slower and they would have been backing up)and blocking aisles with.Why do people do this shit?I have never understood it.
2.Wal-Mart cashiers call in sick enmasse on Saturday nights.
3.Wetbacks do not know how to use the self checkout lanes,and they assign the slowest,stupidest associates to monitor them.This goes for Home Depot as well.
4.Irene's farts really fucking stink...seriously.
I got Ann's knife,but no racks there either.I did get new ice trays.But stress wise,I should of just stayed home.
I'm cooking the roast in pyrex,the bottom will be a bit overdone as a result,but fuck it.
I'm home.
Pisser asked about Romney...Here he is...enjoy.

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