Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I got popped on the eighth of June...motorcycle cop in the magic white triangle on the north end of the first street bridge, he was just waiting for my illegal ass to pass by, something you'd call a quota stop. My infractions? Expired motor vehicle inspection and expired motor vehicle registration. Now this is for a 1999 Izuzu Rodeo, even if I had seriously abused this vehicle, there's no way it could'nt pass muster. The truth is I'm a lazy fuck. And I let it roll because if I have to choose between lights and flushing toilets and paying my bridge tax (registration) or prove the worthiness of my wiper blades ( inspection ) , Texas can kiss my ass. We did, however, keep the insurance current...I'd rather get popped for expired extraneous bullshit than have a wreck without coverage. Those couple of months we didn't have insurance wore on me big time.
Anyhoo...this cop was impressed that I had chosen financial responsibility over government registration/inspection (expired in Oct. '94 and Dec. '94 respectively ) and helped me to find a way to avoid extra charges.
I have nothing further to say on this matter, except that he saved me about 300.00 in fines, bless him...the Austin PD used to be like this overall on matters like this, but it's a rare thing these days.
Anyway, I had 12 days to get registered and inspected.
I took all 12 days.
The registration was uneventful because it is a state agency, dry and mechanical except for the part when I lied and said the vehicle had'nt been driven nor had we gotten a ticket in it since the expiration date.
There was a moment of guilt and remorse...but that was just me, the attendant could've given a shit, he just wanted my 54 dollars and 77 cents. And he got it. And I got my sticker.
I replaced the burnt out right rear brake light ( that we disguised by burning our running lights to avoid detection ) and fucked with the brakes some and took it for inspection.
I stopped at "Groovy Lube" on the drag, Home of the hippy oil change place that also offers state inspection. It was backed up. I was prepared to wait when a 12 passenger van parked in front of a classic DeVille convertible backed into said DeVille and then pulled on up to the inspection stall.
I cruised north to Lamar and went to Alan's inspection, where I used to get my Hines Pool vehicle inspections...these guys were cool. And they still were...They've gone from 2 employees to 6 and have new signage and better parking.
Ihad to wait a bit more that 10 minutes ( around 30 ) but I was thanked for waiting and the crew was heavily tattooed.
My inspector saw my IBEW sticker and tool bag and my tats, and I could have rolled up with fred flinstones ride and failed and they would have hooked me up somehow. I was home.
Plus, my ride was right.
After the inspection, it was time for a trip to APD/ Municipal court central.
I dumped the contents of my pockets to pass through the metal detector...nickles, dimes, quarters, pennies, sleeve anchors, nuts, washers.
I passed through and took my number...240. The category I picked was at 234...the other categories were in the 800's...something about changing or exchanging jail time.
The station was full of minorities...mostly hispanics, interspersed by black folk.
I was the only heavily tattooed white guy, everyone else was staring at me. There was this pale, scrawny white woman...I mean SERIOUSLY white with red hair and copious freckles, with her 2 kids that looked just like her, and they were staring and giggling at me and all the other folks in the reception area. She finally gathered her brood and ran off giggling down the hall.
I feel sorry for people like her.
Can't keep your shit together in a room full of colored people...myself included. Stupid bitch.
I took care of our business and now we are good till may 2006.
I strive to be more responsible.

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