Sunday, June 19, 2005


Happy fathers day Dad...if you were'nt dead and buried at fort sam, being a war hero and all, I'd give you a hug.I miss you.
Happy fathers day Dad in law...I've never said this out loud ( to you anyway ) but I respect you. Thank you for Ann too :)
Happy fathers day to me...half of Kyle ( which half remains to be seen, but I'm banking on the "less crazy" half ). He hasn't called me by the way ( It's not like I've been sitting by the phone waiting for him to call...but it's after 4 in the afternoon, and you'd think between bong hits it would occur to him, but no... ) but if you count up the times I didn't call my dad, it all kind of evens out.
So, when I finally realize it's time to call my fathers day designee, he's at work.
And now I feel guilty...not.
I got to talk to my DIL (daughter in law) and pass on my message.
Mom and baby are well.
And that's a good enough fathers day for me.

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