Saturday, June 25, 2005


But we already knew that, so his recent comments about the democrats response to immediate post 9-11 ( as opposed to just regular post 9-11) is not newsworthy. Neither is his refusal to apologise for dissing the democrats.
I keep hearing about america waking up to the lie, and to that I steal a quote from rottendotcom regarding a completely different issue ( but so appropriate in so many ways ) "america rolls over and farts".
America is waking up to the fact that the leadership of the country is full of shit? Since when? Bush was full of shit when he was gubner of texas, and now he's 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag and the shits spilling out everywhere...and guess what? He ( and the rest of his criminal administration ) don't care.
Example: They dismiss the downing street memo because everyone knew Bush was lying about the war from the get go, so...the memo doesn't matter. Nobody blinked...Let me say that again, everyone knew he was lying, so it doesn't matter that he lied us into this war. What goldfish?
Here's another example: The US admits torture...after months of denying it. Again,nobody blinked.
Before this devolves into a senseless rant, let me just say that I am amazed and disgusted at what's going on in this country.
One word...sociopaths*
* Glibness/superficial charm.
Grandiose sense of self-worth.
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect
Callous/lack of empathy
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral controls
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Early behavior problems
Lack of realistic, long-term plans
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Yep...that's our Bush.That's the GOP.

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