When I dropped off Annabelle at work this morning we went in the back way to avoid those state emplyoee fucks who for some reason feel the need to back into the parking spaces...time wasting asshats one and all. On the side of this building are drainage troughs...huge ones. I spotted a fawn in the corner of one of them. On the way out, I took a picture.

The work goes on in the engineering buildings asphault testing laboratory...we are wiring the new array of ovens, compactors and jiggolators ( I made jiggolators up BTW) . This is art...if you can see it.



And wire...lots and lots of wire....meh.

This job rocks...it has been a test of my skills and a test of my art...make this shit look good, and we have, as much as you can make electrical work look artistic.
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