Have you ever done something that could come back to haunt you, but it was so long ago and you hadn't got that proverbial bite on the ass that you forgot about it? Well, today I was searching a cold case file website, when this story popped up about a homeless guy who was killed with a sock full of wood screws...just kidding.
I was searching google images for the artists that had tattooed me over the years and typed in Andreas Merrill, and lo and behold, there was my back piece, in all it's you're gonna burn in hell for that one glory...twice no less. I had submitted the picture to BMEZINE 3 or so years ago, to the religious section, and never went back to check if it had been accepted. I see now that it was and here it is:

That CRASS logo in the middle was excruciating...Andreas used a 12 round...thats 12 needles in a bundle to put the black and red in...several times during this process, his mentor at the time, Chris Trevino (who did my arms) wondered why he was'nt using an 18 mag...that's three rows of 6 needles instead. Andreas said he wanted to really get it in there. Well, needless to say we did it all over again a couple of months later...with an 18 mag...ouch.
Old script "ANOK" (anarchy) was frequently misinterpreted as "AROK"...which really pissed me off when people would ask "dude, what does arok mean"? Back then I used to be obliged to explain, but finally stopped bothering. It was a time and a place I figured, and if you were'nt there, you probably wouldn't get it anyway...kind of like how Gang of Four conjures pornography for the uniniated.
And now I'm dating myself.
"Love will get you like a case of anthrax...and that's one thing I don't want to catch".
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