We started a new project at work on tuesday in the microbiology building...in the biohazard lab. We have been assured that the lab has been cleaned out and is safe for us to work in,uh, OK, I guess.
There are three seperate labs and an ante-chamber that has a shower area not unlike one you would encounter at a gym, but this shower is not for washing away the sweat of a killer work out...it's there in case you get any of the: HIV-1,cholera, diptheria, ricin (!), 2 kinds of staphylococcal infection and shigella on your ass, plus some unspecified radioactive material thrown into the mix for good measure. I'm sure it's all well and good, but when you're drilling holes in walls and creating alot of dust, if, just by chance, some of these creepy crawlies have taken up residence in the walls, I don't think these will help me:

I love my safety glasses...really, but they won't stop cholera in it's tracks. Cholera would laugh at these safety glasses just like my co-workers do...that's why I love them. The white tape is a nice touch don't you think?
I also find it curious, that, beyond the HIV and ricin, these are all water bourne diseases, shigella being a food bourne illness primarily, until someone whose eaten bad shell fish blows some stool in the pool as you're swimming by...how uncouth!
Is that a goofy picture or what?
Yeah...thought so.
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